What Is Brain Mapping?

The brain is a highly complex organ made up of billions of cells called neurons. Neurons send and receive messages to and from all parts of your body. These messages are electrical impulses that create brain waves. The brain map (also called a neuro map) is an important tool we use to evaluate your brainwaves and identify opportunities to improve communication between various regions of the brain. The brain map is able to capture a window of brain activity, analyze the data, and create a visual representation for each lobe of the brain and each specific brain wave (Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta).

Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta Brain Waves.

Delta Brainwave
Sleepy, Dreaming
Theta Brainwave
Drowsy, Meditative
Alpha Brainwave
Relaxed, Reflective
Beta Brainwave
Alert, Working

How Does Brain Mapping Work?

Using a cap placed on the scalp, our software captures the electrical impulses in the brain. This method is known as an electroencephalogram (EEG). The results show brain wave patterns in different parts of the brain. The process takes about 15 minutes, and the data is then converted into a visual brain map report. We analyze the brain map report and identify any problem areas. The report will display the results in a clear and concise format that can be easily understood.

The brain map is a revolutionary new tool in accurately identifying the problem areas of the brain. It takes the guesswork out of the assessment process and provides an accurate road map for improving your health and well being.

Think of it like this – after an accident such as a fall, an x-ray is completed to determine if surgery is needed to repair a broken bone. Would you feel comfortable going into surgery without first having an x-ray to determine if that surgery is even needed? The brain map is like the x-ray completed before the surgery – we need to see what we are dealing with before a course of action can be administered.

How a QEEG Works

A QEEG, or initial brain scan, reveals the specific locations and functional areas of the brain that are not performing as they should. With a personalized brain scan, we can provide treatment at the location of the core problem. Looking at the brain before providing treatment is brain-based therapy, or neurotherapy.

Our QEEG assessment records and analyzes 19 points of your brain. As neurons talk to each other, they create electricity, or brain waves. When neurons are not performing optimally, they cause dysfunction, such as ADHD, depression, Zaidi, and learning disorders. We run your brain scan through a national “normative” database that allows us to pinpoint the differences between a client’s brainwaves and the typical brainwaves of other individuals of the same age.

What Is It Like Getting a QEEG?

Getting a QEEG is very easy, comfortable and painless. We place a special cap on your head covered with sensors to record the electrical activity in your brain. You simply lie back in a reclining chair. We record your brainwave activity for 5 minutes with your eyes open and for 5 minutes with your eyes closed. You also complete questionnaires rating the symptoms you experience during the day.

We then determine where to do training in your brain and for how long. Each time you do brain training, we assess how your brain waves are changing. We ensure that brain waves are making significant changes over time and, if they are not, we look at possible reasons why and may modify your brain training.

The BrainZen Pro System will track your progress by having you rate your symptoms periodically and by doing another brain scan after 20 sessions. Most Clients find it rewarding to compare their initial brain scan to their 20-session brain scan because they can literally see how their brain has changed and improved!

With the BrainZen Pro tracking, we know exactly when the treatment is working for you. For example, clients typically report sleeping better and having clearer thoughts after 6-8 training sessions. Research has shown it usually takes about 20 sessions to make permanent changes in the brain. The ideal schedule for neurotherapy is 2 sessions a week, and at that rate, clients often feel a lot better in just 2 ½ months.

The brain is an interconnected system of networks. When you change one area of brain wave activity, the brain integrates those changes throughout the whole brain, improving overall brain functioning.

Does Neurotherapy Work for Everyone?

More research is emerging showing the effectiveness of neurotherapy. (For example, see “A Brain Changer for ADHDers? Neurofeedback’s Effect on Brain Waves.”) We find that most (80-85%) of our clients respond well to neurotherapy. But each brain is different, and neurotherapy does not work for everyone. That’s why if we do not see progress within 10 sessions of neurofeedback, we will stop treatment and revisit the initial assessment to determine if changes need to be made or if other treatment methods will work better for you.

Who Is Neurofeedback For?

The answer is simple – anyone looking to improve their health. It is important to keep in mind that neurofeedback is simply a tool in the tool belt and the best results are achieved when used in conjunction with integrative medicine and qEEG brain mapping – depending upon your condition. Who we have seen gain the most benefit are those with:

  • ADD
  • ADHD
  • Anxiety
  • Anyone with a severe head or neck injury, even if it is years later
  • Asperger’s
  • Autism
  • Brain fog
  • Chronic and unknown conditions – often there is underlying early physical or emotional trauma associated
  • Concussion and traumatic brain injury (TBI)
  • Depression
  • Dizziness, disorientation and motion sickness
  • Forgetting what you were saying or doing
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Memory disorders
  • PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
  • Panic attacks
  • Sensitivity to light and sound
  • Sleep issues
  • Stress disorders
  • Those suffering from cancer especially with after effects of chemo often referred to as “chemo-brain”

Neurofeedback is also for those who want to sharpen their senses. Many athletes as well as business professionals use neurofeedback regularly to improve their performance by improving alertness, memory, focus, clarity in both written and verbal communication.


Medical Imaging Technology Services
OFFICE: (615) 747-1900