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Medicare and ALL insurances now require that patients try and fail as least one round of visco supplementation prior to being authorized for a TKA (total knee replacement surgery). This means that if your doctor is not doing the injections, then the doctor down the street is! That revenue is going right out the door to a doctor who is likely doing unguided injections, with a single synthetic material and no knee bracing which almost ensure the patient will end up in surgery which is what many orthopedic surgeons would prefer and is NOT NECESSARY. Insurance covers both knee and shoulder injections. SOME INSURANCES REIMBURSE even HMO; however, they may need prior authorizations.

The entire monthly program costs LESS than the total case value of ONE SINGLE PATIENT! Basically one patient a month covers their entire cost! Total cost of package is $149,900.

This is not just equipment, this is an entire CDJ PROGRAM. We provide everything including 5 days of physician led ON SITE training. This covers all the billing along with all the documentation and certificates needed for entire program. All the supplies including lidocaine, contrast dye, 50 injections and everything down to the band-aid are provided. They also receive 20 knee braces with full DME license credentialing to dispense bracing IN HOUSE! This is significant income at $800 reimbursement per brace (knee brace costs the doctor $140)! 5 PRP kits with a centrifuge offers regenerative medicine for additional cash pay revenue from their patient.

We sell the Fluoroscan which is an amazing Mini C – Arm Fluoroscope with digital x-ray combo! It’s small and rolls easily between rooms. You can take imaging of any part of the body accept for hips and lumbar.

There are 10,000 patients that become eligible for Medicare EVERY SINGLE DAY until 2040! This is one major reason Medicare is requiring these injections be done as they cannot possibly afford TKA’s for that many patients. Patients are living longer so they also outlive the part which means they will need a revision surgery for a second TKA within 10 years. The problem with a revision surgery is they only have a 30% success rate. If their patient needs a TKA at age 50 or 60, they will need a revision surgery by 60 or 70 which means they will 100% be on a walker, wheelchair, or cane before their life span is up. Our main objective is to either avoid a TKA all together or push back when the patient would actually need one in hopes it was late enough in life that they never need a revision surgery.


Medical Imaging Technology Services
OFFICE: (615) 747-1900